
武汉市同性恋酒吧男-男性接触者HIV感染高危行为现状调查 被引量:3

High-risk behaviors of HIV infection: A survey on MSM in gay clubs in Wuhan
摘要 目的:描述湖北省武汉市男-男性接触者HIV高危行为的现状,探讨其影响因素,为艾滋病的防治工作提供依据。方法:在武汉市同性恋酒吧对96名男一男性接触者进行问巷调查。结果:调查对象中21—30岁年龄段者占41.7%,高中及以上学历者占95.8%,职业以学生、企业职员和公务员为主;50.0%曾与一个女性有过性交,13.5%与1名以上的女性有过性交;44.8%第一次发生男-男性关系的年龄在16~18岁。全部的调查者在过去的6个月中有过同性性行为,其中77.1%有过口交行为,87.5%有过肛交行为。结论:武汉市男-男性接触者中的HIV相关行为存在高度的危险性。因此,需加强在该人群中的艾滋病防治工作,以阻止艾滋病从高危人群向一般人群扩散。 Objectives: High -risk behaviors of HIV infection were investigated among males having sex with males (MSM) in Wuhan to explore on the influencing factors for such behaviors and to provide some references for AIDS prevention and control. Methods: Questionnaires were administered to 96 MSMs in gay clubs in Wuhan. Results: This survey revealed that 41.79% of the subjects investigated fell into the age range from 21 to 30; 95.8% of the subjects had received high school education or above; the majority worked as students, company clerks and public officials. Fifty percent of subjects reported that they have had sex with one female, while 13.5% reported their sexual lives with more than one female. It was shown in the survey that 44. 8% of subjects developed their first MSM relationship at the age of 16 to 18. All subjects reported their sexual experiences with other males in the past six months, with 77. 1% having oral sex and 87. 5% having anus sex. Conclusion: Sexual lives of MSM in Wuhan involve high risk for HIV infection. Therefore, measures for AIDS prevention and control should be reinforced in this group to prevent the spreading of AIDS to the healthy population.
出处 《中国性科学》 2006年第12期11-14,42,共5页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 男-男性接触者 高危行为 现况调壹 MSM high - risk behaviors survey
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