如何方便便携式电子设备的充电一直是相关设计人员追求的目标。设计的一种实用太阳能移动电话充电器,系统以运算放大器为控制核心实现功能控制;同时用MC34063芯片实现DC DC变换。首先介绍系统工作原理,然后对电路做比较详细的分析。最后给出测试结果。从性价比来看该设计是一项优秀的设计。
How to facilitate portable electronic equipments to be charged is always the target aimed by relative designers. This paper introduces the design of an applied solar- energy- based charger of mobile phone, which employs operational amplifiers as controlling core,and MC34063 chip as DC-DC converter. The working principle is firstly introduced,then detailed analysis to circuits is given,finally test result is presented. The performance to price ratio indicates that it is an excellent design.
Modern Electronics Technique