
On the Upper Bounds of the Numbers of Perfect Matchings in Graphs with Given Parameters

On the Upper Bounds of the Numbers of Perfect Matchings in Graphs with Given Parameters
摘要 Let φ(G), κ(G), α(G), χ(G), cl(G), diam(G) denote the number of perfect matchings, connectivity, independence number, chromatic number, clique number and diameter of a graph G, respectively. In this note, by constructing some extremal graphs, the following extremal problems are solved: 1. max {φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, κ(G)≤ k} = k[(2n - 3)!!], 2. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n,α(G) ≥ k} =[∏ i=0^k-1 (2n - k-i](2n - 2k - 1)!!], 3. max{φ(G): |V(G)|=2n, χ(G) ≤ k} =φ(Tk,2n) Tk,2n is the Turán graph, that is a complete k-partitc graph on 2n vertices in which all parts are as equal in size as possible, 4. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, cl(G) = 2} = n!, 5. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, diam(G) ≥〉 2} = (2n - 2)(2n - 3)[(2n - 5)!!], max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, diam(G) ≥ 3} = (n - 1)^2[(2n - 5)!!]. Let φ(G), κ(G), α(G), χ(G), cl(G), diam(G) denote the number of perfect matchings, connectivity, independence number, chromatic number, clique number and diameter of a graph G, respectively. In this note, by constructing some extremal graphs, the following extremal problems are solved: 1. max {φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, κ(G)≤ k} = k[(2n - 3)!!], 2. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n,α(G) ≥ k} =[∏ i=0^k-1 (2n - k-i](2n - 2k - 1)!!], 3. max{φ(G): |V(G)|=2n, χ(G) ≤ k} =φ(Tk,2n) Tk,2n is the Turán graph, that is a complete k-partitc graph on 2n vertices in which all parts are as equal in size as possible, 4. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, cl(G) = 2} = n!, 5. max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, diam(G) ≥〉 2} = (2n - 2)(2n - 3)[(2n - 5)!!], max{φ(G): |V(G)| = 2n, diam(G) ≥ 3} = (n - 1)^2[(2n - 5)!!].
出处 《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期155-160,共6页 应用数学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10331020)
关键词 Perfect matching CONNECTIVITY chromatic number clique number DIAMETER Perfect matching, connectivity, chromatic number, clique number, diameter
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