
角膜移植术后眼压升高的临床分析 被引量:3

Clinical Analysis of increased intraocular pressure after keratoplasty
摘要 目的探讨角膜移植术后眼压升高的发病因素及防治措施。方法采用logistic回归分析法对307例(318只眼)角膜移植术后患者的资料进行回顾性分析,探讨其中60例(62只眼)(包括一过性眼压升高15只眼,继发性青光眼47只眼)术后眼压升高与疾病种类的关系,同时观察术后眼压升高的时间特点,并根据不同原因分别行药物或(和)手术治疗。结果无晶状体眼、术前青光眼、炎症期角膜溃疡、大泡性角膜病变眼角膜移植术后眼压升高发生率较高。治疗包括药物及手术疗法。62例眼中8例最终丧失视力,余54例均能较好的控制眼压。结论充分重视角膜移植术后高眼压,对高危病例的及时合理处置,能降低继发性青光眼的发生率。 Objective To investigate etiology and management of increased intraocular pressure(IOP) after keratoplasty. Methods Sixty cases (62 eyes) with increased IOP after keratoplasty, the relationship between different diseases and increased IOP were analysed by the logistic regression analysis. The time of increased IOP after keratoplasty were analysed also. According to different causes, they were treated with different therapies. Results Incidences of the increased postoperative IOP were relatively higher in the aphakia eye,preoperative high IOP,corneal ulcer inflammary stage, bullous keratopathy cases, The treatments included : medication and operative therapy. In the 62 cases, 8 patients lost their visions, and the other 54 patients were all got good controls of their IOP. Conclusion Full recognition to the increased IOP after keratoplasty and timely accurate treatments to the high-risk-cases can decrease incidences of the secondary glaucoma
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2006年第6期504-506,共3页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 角膜移植 眼压升高 Keratoplasty , Increased intraoeular pressure
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