
不同群型霍乱弧菌recA、dnaE和mdh管家基因序列分析 被引量:4

Sequence analysis of housekeeping genes recA,dnaE,and mdh in different serogroups or biotypes of Vibrio cholerae isolated from China
摘要 目的不同群型霍乱弧菌(VC)recA、dnaE和mdh管家基因序列分析。方法PCR扩增、基因测序及生物信息学分析。结果18株不同群型霍乱弧菌recA基因500bp序列中共44个位点发生变异,只有3个位点变异导致氨基酸变异;dnaE基因600bp序列中共32个位点发生变异,只有1个位点变异导致氨基酸变异;mdh基因367bp序列中共21个位点发生变异,只有1个位点变异导致氨基酸变异。O1群埃尔托生物型(EVC)产毒株和O139群VC产毒株遗传学关系高度密切;不同群型非产毒株之间遗传学关系较远;不同群型产毒株和不同群型非产毒株遗传学关系较远。结论我国不同地区流行的EVC产毒株和O139群VC产毒株可能分别来自同一克隆群,O139群VC产毒株可能起源于EVC产毒株。 Objective To analyze sequences of the housekeeping genes including recA, dnaE, and mdh in different serogroups or different biotypes of Vibrio cholerae (VC) strains isolated from China. Methods and Results recA, dnaE, and mdh genes of Vibrio cholerae were obtained by PCR, sequenced and analyzed. Forty-four variable bases were identified in the 500 bases of recA gene of 18 VC strains, and the mutation of only 3 variable bases could result in changes of 2 amino acids. In the 600 bases ofdnaE genes of 18 strains, 32 variable bases were found and only 1 contributed to an amino acid change, In the 67 bases of mdh genes of 18 strains, only 1 variable base was identified whose mutation involved an amino acid convertion. Toxic El Tor biotype (EVC) strains and toxic O139 serogroup strains were closely related, Non-toxic strains of different serogroups or types were lowly related. Non-toxic and toxic strains of different serogroups or types were lowly related. Conclusion Toxic EVC and toxic O 139 serogroup strains isolated from different areas of China may evolve from a common original strain, and toxic O 139 VC strains may come from toxic EVC strains.
出处 《南方医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期1720-1723,共4页 Journal of Southern Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30170821 30470099)~~
关键词 霍乱弧菌 管家基因 聚合酶链反应 序列分析 Vibrio cholerae housekeeping gene polymerase chain reaction sequence analysis
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