
水牛精液中X和Y精子比率的鉴定 被引量:1

Quantification of X and Y Spermatozoa in Buffalo Semen
摘要 利用流式细胞仪分析水牛分离和未分离精液中精子的DNA含量,所得的直方图用高斯曲线拟合,分析计算出样本中X和Y精子的比率。结果表明:未分离的水牛精液中X精子的比率为50%,与正常水牛后代性别比率没有显著差异;而水牛的分离X精液样本中X精子占93%,分离Y精液样本中Y精子占89%。实验结果显示了流式细胞仪DNA分析法鉴定水牛精液中X和Y精子比率的可靠性,而流式细胞仪分离精子程序和方法在水牛上的应用是可靠而有效的。 Sorted and unsorted buffalo spermatozoa were analyzed by the flow cytometer for the difference in DNA content. The histograms obtained were subsequently fitted to Guassian curve distribution to calculate the percentage of X and Y spermatozoa in the samples. The results showed that 50% of the spermatozoa in unsorted semen were X sperm, which was conformed to the sex ratio in normal buffalo offspring. And 93% of the spermatozoa in sorted X semen were X sperm, 89% of the spermatozoa in sorted Y semen were Y sperm. The results indicated that quantification of X and Y sperm in buffalo semen by flow cytometric analysis of the DNA content was reliable, and the method of flow cytometric sorting the of the buffalo spermatozoa was effective and reliable.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第23期14-16,共3页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30360073) 广西科技攻关资助项目(0537001-1) 广西大学科研基金项目(X061070)
关键词 畜牧学 X和Y精子比率 鉴定 流式细胞仪 水牛 animal science ratio of X and Y sperm quantification flow cytometer buffalo
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