

A Study of the Key Factors of the Global Marketing Strategy for the Chinese Hi-Tech Enterprises:An Exploratory Study Based on CGMS Model
摘要 本文应用中国企业的全球营销战略模型(CGMS),选取在国内具有影响力和代表性的IT、生物制药等高科技企业为调查样本,对其全球营销战略与内外部关键影响力因素关系的机理进行探索性检验,找出制约高科技企业提升全球营销战略表现的瓶颈因素,并据此给出若干建议和对策,以期对我国高科技企业提升全球化战略有所裨益。 This article applies the model of Global Marketing Strategy for China (GMS), to carry out research on the relationship of the global marketing strategy and the key internal and external influence factors of enterprise, with analysis and samples of the well-known Chinese enterprises in Hi-tech fields of IT, bio-pharmacy and so on. Yet this article finds the key factors that influences the performance of the global marketing strategy and makes some suggestion to be beneficial for the Chinese Hi-tech enterprises.
作者 吴晓云 张伟
机构地区 南开大学商学院
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2006年第6期96-103,共8页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70272028 70572085)的阶段性成果
关键词 CGMS模型 全球营销战略 关键影响因素 高科技产业 CGMS Model Global Marketing Strategy Key Influence Factors Hi-tech Enterprises
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