
一个保护私有信息的序数型关联规则挖掘算法 被引量:1

An Algorithm for Privacy-preserving Ordinal Association Rule Mining
摘要 基于随机响应技术,提出了一种在保护隐私的关联规则挖掘中对包含三个属性值的序数型数据进行伪装的方法,设计了在伪装的数据集上进行挖掘的算法;分析了算法的安全性及复杂度。并通过实验表明,该算法在伪装的数据集上挖掘出来的规则与原规则相比,相对误差不超过5%。 A data disguised method for privacy preserving ordinal associate rule mining based on the randomized response techniques is introduced. The mining algorithm gets on the disguised item set and analyzes the security and complexity of this algorithm. The experiments show the rule that this algorithm gets fewer relative error which is less than 5% compared with the original rules.
作者 仲波 张远平
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2006年第24期3863-3866,3870,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金(3Z5051-A25-037)资助
关键词 随机响应 关联规则 数据挖掘 association rule randomized response data mining
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  • 1罗永龙,黄刘生,荆巍巍,姚亦飞,陈国良.一个保护私有信息的布尔关联规则挖掘算法[J].电子学报,2005,33(5):900-903. 被引量:33
  • 2Agrawal R, Ramakrishna, n S. Privacy- preserving data mining[ C]//In Proceedings of the 2000 ACMSIGMOD Intemational Conference on Management of Data, Dallas, USA: [ s. n. ],2000:439 - 450.
  • 3Stanley R M Oliveira, Osmar R Za ane. Privacy preserving frequent itemset mining[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE ICDM Workshop on Privacy, Security and Data Mining. Maebashi City,Japan: [s. n. ] ,2002:43 - 54.
  • 4Evmievski A,Srikant R. Privacy preserving mining of association rules[ C]//In Proceedings of 8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Edmonton, Canada: [ s. n. ], 2002 : 217 - 228.
  • 5Vaidya J, Clifton C. Privacy presserving association rule mining in vertcally partitioned data [ C ]//In Proceedings of the 8th ACMSIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Edmonton, Canada:[s. n.], 2002: 639 - 644.
  • 6Agrawal R,Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases[C]//In Proc.of the ACM SIGMOD Intl Conf.on Management of Data.Washington,D.C: [ s. n. ], 1993:207 -216.










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