在目前的IP/MPLS网络中,采用RSVP-TE建立的LSP可以保证路径性能的需要,但这种路径是点到点的(P2P)的,在多用户传输时效率低下。RSVP-TE P2MP技术将MPLS流量工程和组播技术结合起来,选择网络中分支路由器对流量进行复制,保证了传输的服务质量,降低了传输成本。本文介绍了MPLS P2MP技术的基本原理和关键技术。
In recent IP/MPLS network, the LSPs set up through RSVP-TE can guarantee the quality of paths. However, this kind of LSP is point-to-point(P2P), which has low efficency while transporting data to multi-user. The RSVPTE P2MP technique combines the MPLS traffic engineering and broadcast, choosing branch LSR to copy the traffic,guaranteeing the quality of transport, and lowering whose cost. This article introduces the principle and key technique ofMPLS P2MP.
Modern Transmission