
复杂系统的突现与层次 被引量:8

Emergence and Levels in Complex System: new development of systematic thought
摘要 系统科学家切克兰德所提出的“突现与层次”的系统思想在当代复杂性科学中得到了新的发展。首先,突现研究的进路发生了根本性的转变:从静态的观点转换为动态的观点,从只是将突现看作是一种不必解释也不可解释的黑箱现象转换为力图打开黑箱、揭示突现产生的机制;其次,依据突现产生的机理,揭示了复杂系统突现与层次之间的因果关系及其新特征;又次,承认突现性具有下向因果作用,因而,对突现的解释,局域的理论还原是可能的,但还需要宏观层次的理论自主和理论上索解释。 System thought of ‘emergence and levels’ presented by the system scientist Checkland has got some new development in modern complexity science. First, the approach to study emergence has changed fundamentally. It was changed from a static point of view to a dynamic one, and from the attitude with piety to take emergence only as a mechanism of the rise of emergence. Secondly, the novel character of emergence in complex systems has emerged based on the mechanism of emergence. Thirdly, emergence has downward causation. A non-linear, trans-ordinal causation lies between levels. So, it needs not only local theory reduction, but more importantly also theoretical autonomy and upward explanation to explain the emergence.
作者 范冬萍
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第12期35-39,共5页 Academic Research
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十五"规划项目:"兼容与超越还原论---复杂性科学的方法论研究"(05C-08)。
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