In peak growing season, the photosynthetic characteristic of Ginkgo biloba, Eucornrnia ulrnoides, Magnolia denudata and Tilia japonica were measured for discussing the photosynthesis response to variation of CO2 concentration and temperature. The results showed that the ambient CO2 concentration could not satisfy the demand of these four species' photosynthesis, and their optimal temperatures for photosynthesis were lower than the average daytime air temperature, hence the photosynthesis of these four species were restricted by lower CO2 concentration and higher daytime air temperature at the present time. Remarkable enhancement in the net photosynthetic rate at doubled CO2 concentration were found in all the four species. When the dependency on CO2 and temperature were examined simultaneously, it was seen that for the elevated CO2 concentration there was a shift in the optimum temperature for Magnolia denudata and Tila japonica towards higher temperatures. Due to its independence on CO2 concentration, this trend could not be found in the Ginkgo biloba and Eucomrnia ulrnoides data set. The stomatal conductance ( Gs ) was sensitive to vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and the VPD was sensitive to temperature. An increase in temperature would cause the VPD to increase, and plants might be assumed to react by reducing their stomatal apertures, the effect on stomatal resistance would be most significant at high temperatures. The restriction to stomatal for this four species would be enhanced when CO2 concentration were elevated at same temperature.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural University