We have found out from the type of documents reading of land contrast in Dunhuang Manuscripts that the two class of people who are to be in opposition to each other: ones who living at city while another who lived outside of village and laboring on the field. The one who own the land usually lived in “city” (an idea of a place surround or defended by walls or fence), while “the guest” were always dispatched to outside village to plough a field. From Dunhuang Manuscripts, we have also found a kind of cooperation contract or a contract that ruled to share the responsibility for the harvest with “the landlord” and “the master of a mottled cow ” , and the type of feudal management bears similarity to both system of “a tenant of a farm share the harvest with a landlord” which recorded in The Sui Book and a system of “huoke” or “subcontract” practiced in the Song Dynasty. From my understanding, The guest who lived outside of village were not slave, but grade into a interdependent tenant who own the tool but were “relieve to comfort and compensate to bereaved family as a yang male domestic servant”.
Dunhuang Research