

摘要 张桂铭1939年出生于浙江绍兴,1964年毕业于浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)中国画系,同年入上海中国画院专业创作。曾任上海中国画院副院长,刘海粟美术馆执行馆长。1988年被评聘为国家一级美术师,1998年获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。现为中国美术家协会理事.中国画艺委会委员.上海市文联委员、上海市美协常务理事。上海大学美术学院和上海理工大学艺术设计学院兼职教授。 Zhang Guiming Was born in 1939 in shaoxing,Zhejiang Province.In 1964,he guaduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts(presently China National Academy of Art)and joined Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai for specialty creation,He was the former vice-dean of Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai and executive dean of Liu Haisu Art Gallery.In 1998,he was appraised state first rank master of fine arts and obtained special governmental grants awarded by the State Council.Presently,he is the director of Chinese Artists Association,member of China Painting Skills Committee,commissioner of Shanghai Literature Federation and managing director of Shanghai Fine Arts Association,part-time professor of Fine Arts School,University of Shanghai and Art Design School,Shanghai industry technology University.
作者 张桂铭
机构地区 中国美术家协会
出处 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期I0002-I0005,共4页 China Ceramics
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