
一种新的证据表示模型及其在敌作战意图识别中的应用 被引量:4

A New Evidence Model and Its Application for Discriminating Enemy’s Attacking Intention
摘要 根据所获得的敌作战意图相关信息的特征,首先提出了证据支持最简形式、证据支持二元形式、同型证据等概念,在这些概念的支撑下,研究了将证据支持二元形式表示为证据支持最简形式的正交和问题,其结论用于表示敌作战意图及其特征信息之间的相关性,从而建立对敌作战意图的识别体系,完成对敌作战意图的最终判定。新的证据表示模型有效地简化了作战为证据的特征信息的表示和合成,降低了计算量。给出的具体应用示例也证明所提出的算法结构的可行性和有效性。 Considering the characteristics captured from information about enemy's attack intention, this paper puts forward concepts of simple evidence-support format, duality evidence-support format, and same-type evidence and so on. Based on these concepts, it discusses the problem of orthogonal sum with duality evidence support format expressed as simple evidence support format, and then, drawing its conclusion to show the relation between enemy's attack intention and the characteristic information. Thereby, it establishes a system for operation intention assessment to complete the final determination. This new model brings expression and synthesize of evidences simplified and computation reduced. By practical application, this algorithm has been proved feasibility and effectiveness.
作者 李瑛 刘卫东
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2006年第6期9-13,共5页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 证据模型 性能分析 合成算法 意图识别 evidence model performance analysis synthesize algorithm intention assessment
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