
土石混合介质饱和导水率的研究 被引量:26

Study on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil Stone Mixtures
摘要 采用恒定水头法对土石混合介质的饱和导水率进行测定,分析不同碎石含量及碎石直径对饱和导水率的影响,同时利用实测值对Peck—Watson及Bouwer—Rice两个传统估算方程的估测精度进行比较。结果表明:(1)饱和导水率随碎石含量先增大后减小,且两者呈二项式关系;(2)饱和导水率随碎石直径增大而减小,两者呈幂函数关系;(3)碎石直径介于1.0~5.0cm时,Bouwer—Rice和Peck—Watson方程对饱和导水率的估算结果均大于实测值。 Based on the experiment of the constant head method for saturated hydraulic conctuctivity, the effects of soil-stone ratios and stone sizes on Ks were studied. Meanwhile, we calculated the Ks with Peck -Watson and Bouwer-Rice equations respectively, then compared the results with the measured data. The results show that: Ks firstly decreases with the increases of the stone contents, and then increases. The relation between them follows binomial function; K, decreases with the increases of the mean diameters of the stones; the relation between them follows index function. The values calculated by the equation of Peck-Watson and Bouwer-Rice are much greater than measured data when the stone sizes are between 1.0-5.0 cm.
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期62-66,共5页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50479063 40025106和90102012)
关键词 碎石直径 碎石含量 Peck—Watson方程 Bouwer—Rice方程 stone sizes stone contents Peck-Watson equation Bouwer-Rice equation
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