

Studies of Nonlinear Pulses in Partial Deferential Equation
摘要 阐述了利用偏微分方程研究非线性脉冲波的历史背景和研究现状,说明了偏微分方程非线性脉冲波研究中有待于解决的问题,以引起更多学者关注这一问题的研究。 This paper introduces the background and the present situation in the study of pulses studied in partial deferential equation field, meanwhile, it states the problems we could and should solve about the interesting topic in the future. The goal of the paper is to make more people to be interested in the topic.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第5期636-639,共4页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
关键词 偏微分方程 非线性脉冲波 传播 干扰 partial deferential equation nonlinear pulses propagation interaction
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