大气噪声严重影响甚低频/低频通信系统的性能,本身又有多种不确定的因素,观测结果具有局限性,相关的理论分析也比较困难。从影响甚低频/低频通信的最主要环境因素着手,依据CCIR 322报告中多年的测量结果,在MAT- LAB平台上对大气噪声进行仿真研究,仿真结果与实际统计特性相符,与实际情况比较接近。
The very low frequcncy/low frequency communication systems are gready influenced by atmospheric noise, which is very difficult to be analyzed because of many uncertain factors and the limitation of observational result. Starting with analyzing the main circumstance factors which influence the very low frequency/low fiequency communication, the paper build a simulation model of atmospheric noise on MATLAB plat, with the long- terln observational data from CCIR Report 322. The result meets the practical statistic characteristic and has good consistency with the real condition.
Ship Electronic Engineering