

Study on the macro-adjustment decision-making models of investment from the area multiplier effect
摘要 基于经济体内不同区域的社会边际消费倾向往往不相同的现实,运用区域两分法从区域乘数效应角度研究了投资的宏观调控决策体系,构建了相应的计量模型,进行了实际应用分析。结果表明:当投资对特定子区域的乘数效果成为关注的目标时,应当采取措施提高各子区域的边际消费倾向、特定子区域的投资内流比、非特定子区域的投资外流比、期初投资流入特定子区比例,以获得投资对特定子区域乘数效果的最佳化目标。当投资对整体区域的总体乘数效果成为关注的目标时,应当采取措施提高各子区域的边际消费倾向、边际消费倾向相对较高的子区域的投资内流比、边际消费倾向相对较低的子区域的投资外流比、期初投资流入边际消费倾向相对较高子区域的比例,以获得投资对整体区域总体乘数效果的最佳化目标。该研究具有良好的理论意义和现实价值。 We studied the macro-adjustment decision-making system of investment and developed a series of quality models correspondingly based on area multiplier effect by dividing the whole economic area into two branches because different branches of the whole economic area often have different marginal propensity to consume (MPC), The results show that in determining the maximum multiplier effect of a certain branch area we should take a series of measures to improve the MPC of each branch, the investment in-flow rate of the certain branch area, the investment out-flow rate of the non-certain branch area and the initial in-flow rate of investment capital to the certain branch area, When considering the maximum multiplier effect of the whole economic area we should take a series of measures to improve the MPC of each branch area and the investment in-flow rate of the branch area with a higher MPC as well as the investment outflow rate of the branch with a lower MPC; also to be considered is the in-flow rate of investment capital to the branch area with a higher MPC. This paper is useful to both the theory and practice of investment macro-adjustment.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期13-18,共6页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70401007) 北京市教委共建项目建设计划(XK100190550)
关键词 投资 乘数效应 区域两分法 调控决策 investment multiplier effect dividing the whole area into two adjustment and decision-making
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  • 6投资乘数递减说明新增国民收入中有越来越多的份额用于储蓄,用于消费的份额越来越少.消费减少导致最终消费市场疲软.最终消费市场疲软必然导致市场供给大于需求,市场价格下跌.市场价格全面下跌使得企业利润下降,投资的收益也相应地减少.当投资利润率接近或者低于储蓄利率时,投资者感到投资无利可图,在寻找不到有高回报率的好项目之前,投资者更愿意将资金存入银行.
  • 7投资乘数作用也受到一些条件限制:如果要投资品部门和生产部门增加的收入用来偿还债务,投资乘数的作用就要缩小;如果增加的收入是用来购买消费品的存货,乘数作用也将缩小;如果增加的收入用来消费,但因生产条件限制,消费品生产不出来,这时货币收入的增加而实际收入不能同比例增加,乘数作用要受到限制;如果增加的收入用来购买国外商品,乘数作用也要受到限制.
  • 8自由的效果是根据相机抉择财政政策(政策当局在进行需求管理的时候,根据市场和各项措施特点,相机地选择采取的措施,如政府支出和税率表的变更等),并按照汉森模型把预算总效果减去相机抉择财政政策中总需求的影响值,就是自动效果,史永东是用下列三个指标进行比较的.
  • 9在经济周期变动中,实际经济增长率扣除各年度财政活动的总效果,就可以得到没有财政干预下的经济增长率,而此期的经济周期变动则为纯粹周期.
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