
弘扬和谐文化 共谱激扬乐章——中国文学艺术界联合会第八次全国代表大会胜利召开

Jointly Composing Inspiring Movements of Music to Promote the Harmonious Culture:The 8^(th) National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Concluded with Great Success
摘要 中国文学艺术界联合会第八次全国代表大会、中国作家协会第七次全国代表大会2006年11月10日至14日在北京胜利召开。作为新世纪新阶段动员我国广大文艺工作者为繁荣我国社会主义文学艺术事业、为构建社会主义和谐社会积极贡献力量的重要会议。来自全国的文艺工作者代表,来自香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区以及海外华人华侨文艺界的特邀嘉宾,共3000余人参加了此次会议。 The 8^(th) National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 7^(th) National Congress of the Chinese Writers' Association were successfully held in Beijing from November 10 to 14,2006.Over 3000 delegates representing literary and art workers across the country,as well as special guests from literary and art circles of Hong Kong SAR,Macao SAR,the region of Taiwan,and overseas Chinese communities,attended the Congresses,which became a mile-stone gathering in the process of mobilizing all the Chinese writers and artists to actively contribute to a prosperous cause of socialist Chinese literature and arts and to the construction of a harmonious society of our socialist country. At 9am on December 10,the Congresses started with the playing of the National Anthem.Then, welcomed by warm applause of the participants, Chinese President Hu Jintao delivered an important speech.First of all,he warmly congratulated, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Com- munist Party and the State Council,to the opening of the two congresses and expresses his high respect and warm greetings to all the delegates as well as literary and art workers over all China.He stressed that it is a sublime mission for the Chinese literary and art workers to make the advanced socialist culture prosperous and to construct harmonious culture.He remarked that all writers and artists with great ambition and aspira- tion,should undertake the divine mission of the times,and actively participate in literary and artistic creations in depicting the new era;should keep in close ties with the people to reflect their wishes and demands;should vigorously carry forward the creative spirit and actively open up new horizons of literature and arts;and should actively fulfill the duty of 'engineer of human soul' by making progress both artistically and morally. In reference to the issue how cultural development in the new century should adapt to the general objective of social development for the current stage,President Hu pointed out that in the world today,culture occupies a more and more important place in the comprehensive competitive capacity of a nation.Whoever reaches the very height of cultural development will be able to dominate in the severe international competition. The history of the progress of human civilizations clearly displays that any country or any nation will not possibly be ranked in the list of advanced nations in the world unless they are led by advanced culture,rich in the spiritual world of their people,or capable of bringing into full play the creative spirit of the whole nation.
作者 本刊记者
出处 《人民音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第12期5-7,共3页 People’s Music








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