本文从Symantec Antivirus企业版客户端杀毒软件对注册表的依赖这一缺陷谈起,描述了更改相应的键值后直接引发软件设置变化的这一缺陷,以及造成的影响,并提出了解决的办法,最后简述了本人对杀毒软件的完善及防毒机制的几点想法。
Many antivirus tools like Symantec AntiVirus detect viruses and protect computer systems with highly dependence on the registry in Windows.As a result,the key settings of these antivirus tools are modified as well if the associated key values in the registry is changed illegally.The problems arose by the over-dependence of antivirus tools on the registry are presented in detail and the solution is also proposed in the paper,Finally,a personal opinion on antivirus mechanisms is stated.
Network Security Technology & Application