传统的Web服务器不能主动向客户端发送信息,从而导致Web服务器对实时事件响应能力差。本文在比较用于解决该问题的Server Push和Client Pull模型的优缺点后,采用Wind River公司提供的嵌入式系统集成开发环境,以Server Push作为服务器端与客户端的通信模型,结合网络分站实时报警软件的开发,讨论了在嵌入式操作系统VxWorks下,使用Java Applet技术开发基于Server Push模型的实时报警软件、电子邮件报警软件,以及VxWorks下针对SST39VF1601这一Flash芯片的TrueFFS(True Flash File System)文件系统的构建。系统所具有的实时报警和历史报警功能很好地解决了Web服务器对实时事件响应能力差这一弱点。
The traditional Web server cannot initiatively send information to client, which causes the Web server response deficiency in real-time events. After comparing the Server Push model to the Client Pull model with their advantages and disadvantages, the former is selected as system communication model. Using the integrated software packages of Wind River company, taking network substation control software designing as an example, it is discussed in detail how to use Java Applet technology to develop real-time alarm software, e-mail alarm software based on Server Push model in VxWorks. VxWorks's TrueFFS construction for SST39VF1601 is discussed as well. The real-time alarm and historical alarm function of this alarm system resolves the problem of Web server response deficiency to real-time events.
information and electronic engineering