〔目的〕探索简便而准确的丙型肝炎血清学诊断方法,并了解一般人群中丙型肝炎病毒感染的状况。〔方法〕以酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)作为主要检测方法,用金标法复核,并与HCV-RNA的检测进行对比;同时对2004年7月 ̄2006年6月的26366份血样抗-HCV检测的结果进行分析。〔结果〕用ELISA法为主,结合金标法来判断抗-HCV的检测结果,与HCV核酸检测的方法符合率为96.0%;在出国移民中丙型肝炎病毒感染率为0.44%,且男性高于女性,其中有64.10%的人丙氯酸转氨酶(ALT)超过正常值范围。〔结论〕用ELISA与金标结合的方法判断抗-HCV检测结果,可避免单纯使用ELISA方法假阳性较高的现象;有2/3的HCV感染者中ALT超过正常值范围。
Objective To probe a simple and precise method for Hepatitis C serological diagnosis,and to understand the sifuation of Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Methods 26 366 serum samples from July 2004 to June 2006 were detected anti-HCV by ELISA and confirmed by Golden Method (Colloidal gold method), comparing with HCV-RNA by PCR. Anti-HCV ELISA (+) samples was confirmed by detecting HCV-RNA. Results Compared with HCV-RNA by PCR, the coincidence of anti-HCV detected by ELISA and Golden Method was 96.0%.The infection rate of Hepatitis C Virus was 0.44% among emigration,and the infection rate for males was higher than that of females' .While,the abnormal serum ALT was 64.10%. Conclusions Combine ELISA and Golden Method to judge the detection of anti-HCV can avoid the phenomenon of higher false positive rate caused by using ELISA only.Meanwhile,the abnormal serum ALT was found in almost two thirds of HCV infectors.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine