目的 本文旨在对大型综合甘院重点科室女性医务人员的心理健康状况进行探索性研究,为提高其心理素质、克服负性情绪、保证医疗服务质量提供科学依据。方法 应用心理测量专用量表《SAS》、《SDS》、《综合情况调查表》。在本院重点科室随机抽样100名18—53岁女性医务人员,同时在正常体检的同年龄,不同职业的女性随机抽样100名进行测量、分析、井作对照研究。结果 研究组《SAS》50-70分以上41例。总检出率41%。《SDS》50—70分以上11例、总检出率11%。总的负性情绪发生率52%。明显高于对照组《SAS》50-70分以上14例。总检出率14%。《SDS》50-70分以上5例、总检出率5%。总的负性情绪发生率19%。两组总检出率经秩和检验P〈0.01—0.05。SAS、SDS各个年龄组均分经炕计学分析显示P〈0.01,两组存在显着性差异。结论 大型综合医院重点科室女性医务人员的心理健康状况和负性情绪发生率应引起关注。提高其心理素质、克服负性情绪、保证医疗服务质量有待进一步临床研究。
Objective To study the mental health of female workers in important departments of a composite hospital and provide scientific basis for improving psychological quality, Overcoming negative emotion and ensuring medical quality. Methods SAS, SDS and The Table of General Investigation were used to measure 100 female medical workers and 100 non medical Workers. Results In study group, in SAS, above 50-70 is 41 cases, general check rare is 41% which is obviously high er then control group. In SDS, above 50-70 was found in the study group as compared with the control group (5% vs 4%) on the other hand there is higher of negative mood than that of control group (56% vsl 9% ). Conclusion The female workers' mental health and negative emotion in big hospitals should be paid to attention.
intermational chinaese application psychology journal
Special worker
Negative emotion
Clinical study