在美国联邦航空局(FAA)局长签署的《培训程序》前言中,有这样一句话:培训就是安全(TRAINING ISSAFETY)”。乍听起来,感到很新鲜,也难免有些疑惑:这种提法会不会太“高”了呢?可仔细一想,却是个十分朴素的真理。下面谈谈本人对这一至理名言的粗浅理解。一。
Airworthiness management,the technical management that is aimed at guaranteeing the safety of civil aircraft,is the substantial foundation of aviation safety.To run well the airworthiness management of civil aircraft should possess the personnel of airworthiness system with high qualities,of which it can be realized merely by relying on the uninterrupted training.Therefore,training is the foundation as well as the guarantee of safety.