
基于NS2的组播路由协议实现及仿真 被引量:1

Multicast Routing Protocol Implementation and Simulation Based on NS2
摘要 组播是一个源节点将同一信息传送到多个目的节点的通信方式,IP组播技术减少了网络不必要的带宽开销、网络资源的消耗以及大大减轻了源主机的负担。网络仿真是网络研究者验证网络协议在各种情况下是否具有健壮性和可靠性的有效手段。NS2是面向对象的大型离散事件仿真器,它不仅能实现复杂的网络数据传输和拓扑结构的仿真,还能近乎真实地模拟各种IP网络环境。用NS2实现了一个20个节点网络拓扑的组播路由协议PIM-SM仿真,并获取数据对PIM-SM组播网络性能进行了分析。仿真结果表明了组播网络性能的优越性。 Multicast is a communication approach on one source node sending the same message to multiple destination nodes. IP multicast technology decreases link bandwidth overhead, network resource consumption and source host burden. Network Simulation is an effective method for testing protocol whether it is robust and reliable or not. NS2 is an object - oriented simulator based on large - scale discrete event,it implements not only the complex network data transmission and topology simulation,but also simulates approximately really all kinds of network environments. This paper simulates PIM - SM protocol about twenty nodes topology in NS2 ,and analyses PIM - SM network capability. The result illustrates the superiority of multicast network capability.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2006年第12期129-132,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 组播 路由协议 仿真 Multicast Routing protocal Simulation
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