
基于小世界的无线传感器网络资源查询机制 被引量:2

Small-World Based Architecture for Resource Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要 多数无线传感器网络资源查询和路由协议都试图寻找源节点到目标节点的最优(短)路径,而针对于单次查询的数据传输量很小的情况,这些协议的效率是非常低的,因为大量的能量被消耗在建立最优(短)路径上,SMQM查询机制将着重于寻找一条“可行”的路径,而非“最优”路径,大大节省了路径查找的开销,从而降低了总的查询能耗;小世界理论表明在规则网络中,随机的加入少量的长程连接(Shortcuts),将大大的降低网络的直径,SMQM查询机制是在该理论和CARD协议的基础上提出来的,它适用于大规模、高查询率而单次查询的数据传输量很小的无线传感器网络,SMQM性能的仿真试验结论说明,SMQM查询机制的性能优于CARD协议。 the majority of protocols for routing in wireless sensor networks attempt to obtain optimal or shortest paths. For short-lived and small transfer's connections, however, those approaches may be quite inefficient. Small world theory present that average path length can be greatly decreased by add a few of long--rang link randomly to regular networks, SMQM is on the basis of production of Small--World theory and CARD protocol. The main design goal in such target applications is to reduce communication overhead and power consumption, rather than route optimization, Simulations show that SMQM overcomes CARD protocol.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 2006年第12期1756-1758,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2004A06) 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2006F08)
关键词 小世界 长程连接 无线传感器网络 资源查询 Small- world Contact Wireless sensor networks resource query
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