
早孕药物流产绒毛和蜕膜组织TGF-β的表达 被引量:2

Expression of TGF-β in Villus and Deciduas after Medical Abortion
摘要 目的观察米非司酮配伍米索前列醇终止早孕后,不同结局的绒毛和蜕膜组织转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)的表达情况。方法收集2004年5月~2005年3月本院门诊宫内早孕要求终止妊娠的妇女50例,药物流产者根据最终结局分为完全流产组(n=15)和不全流产组(n=15),手术流产者作为对照组(n=20)。收集药物流产者服药第3天排出的绒毛和蜕膜以及手术流产者当天负压吸引吸出的绒毛和蜕膜组织,并应用免疫组化法测定各组绒毛和蜕膜组织中TGF-β的表达情况。结果三组孕妇的年龄、孕龄、孕囊直径大小以及流产前血清雌二醇、孕酮和绒毛膜促性腺激素相似。完全流产组与其他两组相比,绒毛和蜕膜组织TGF-β的表达均显著降低(P〈0.001);不全流产组与对照组比较则无统计学意义。结论绒毛和蜕膜组织TGF-β水平是衡量药物完全流产与不全流产的因素之一。 Objective To investigate the expression of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in the villus and deciduas of different outcomes after administration with mifepristone and misoprostol in the termination of early pregnancy. Methods From May 2004 to March 2005, 50 women who were comfirmed early pregnancy and requested termination of pregnancy in the outpatient department were recruited. Patients with medical abortion were divided into two groups according to the final outcomes : group of complete abortion ( n = 15 ) and group of incomplete abortion (n = 15). Another 20 patients with surgical abortion were served as control. The villus and deciduas were collected at the third day of medical abortion, whereas the same was done at the day of surgical abortion. The expression of TGF-β in villus and deciduas of the three groups were measured by immunohistochemical method. Results The age, gestational age, diameter of gestational sac and levels of serum E2 , P and β-HCG before abortion were similar in these groups. Compared with the other two groups, the expressions of TGF-β in the villus and deciduas in the group of complete abortion were significantly decreased (P 〈 0. 001 ), while the group of incomplete abortion had no significant difference with the control group. Conclusion The expression of TGF-β in the villus and deciduas is one of the key factors in evaluating the outcomes of medical abortion.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期1365-1368,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science
关键词 药物流产 绒毛 蜕膜 转化生长因子-Β medical abortion villus deciduas transforming growth factor-β
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