
等离子喷涂纳米硫化亚铁自润滑涂层的分析与摩擦学性能 被引量:4

Studying on the Tribological Properties of Self-Lubricate Nano FeS Coating Deposited by Plasma Spraying
摘要 摩擦磨损是造成零部件失效的重要原因,而摩擦磨损过程主要发生在固体的表面,等离子喷涂纳米硫化亚铁自润滑涂层能够有效地减少摩擦面的磨擦和磨损。本研究利用自制的纳米尺寸的硫化亚铁颗粒作为等离子喷涂的喂料,在钢基体表面制成了纳米硫化亚铁自润滑涂层。等离子喷涂制得的涂层成分以硫化亚铁为主,经过XRD分析结果的计算,涂层是纳米结构的硫化亚铁颗粒构成的。用等离子喷涂纳米硫化亚铁自润滑涂层进行摩擦磨损试验,结果表明该涂层具有明显优于热处理后GCr15钢的摩擦磨损性能,相同试验条件下摩擦系数降低了1/3-1/2,磨损体积减小50%-70%,而且在真空条件下的摩擦磨损性能比在大气压下还要好,摩擦系数降低1/3,磨损量降低了70%。 Friction and wear occurred are the main reason to cause parts failure, and they focused on the surfaces of the solids. Nano iron sulfide self - lubricating coatings produced by plasma spraying on the frictional surface of the parts can reduce the bad effect of friction and wear, and increase the working life of parts. In this paper, the nano iron sulfide plasma spraying feedstocks were made by oneself and the nano self - lubricating coatings on the steel were fabricated by plasma spraying. The main component of the plasma sprayed coatings was iron sulfide, and the microstructure of the coatings was nanostructured by calculating from the XRD results and observing in the SEM photos. In the friction wear test, the nanostructured plasma sprayed selflubricating coatings is better than the one of heat treated GCr15 steel, and the friction coefficient of the sample with the coatings reduced 1/3 - 1/2 ,and wear volume of the sample with the coatings reduced 50% ~ 70% than one of GCr15 steel without coatings under the same friction speed and load conditions, and capability of the nanostructured thermal sprayed self - lubricating coatings in vacuum is better than the one in atmosphere, the friction coefficient was reduced 1/3 ,and wear weight was reduced 70%.
出处 《热处理技术与装备》 2006年第6期26-32,共7页 Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50375015)
关键词 纳米 等离子喷涂 硫化亚铁 自润滑涂层 摩擦学性能 Nanometer plasma spraying iron sulfide self - lubricated coatings tribological performance
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