Atomic structure and formation are different with the difference of external fields.The more larger,the more external fields strong.High angular momentum Ryd-berg states of atoms in strong magnetic and weak crossed electric fields corresponds to classical regular drift trajectories around the positive ion core.The motion can be adiabatically separated in a fast cyclotron motion,an oscillation in magnetic field direction,and a slow drift motion.some of the drift trajectories display huge electric dipole moments induced by the weak electric field.When electron moves from (-x0,0, 0)to ionization sadlle point (lSP)its energy transfers potelltial.It was found that the scaled electricfield and the scaled energy with excitation energy W are sufficient in order to describe the observed ionization threshold.Charge particle may be traped by crossed external fields.It is very usefule to study Rydberg atoms in crossed fields for ions physics,X-ray lasers,and so on.
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress