
桃棕苗期接种丛枝菌根菌效应研究 被引量:4

Effects of Inoculation with Three Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal on the Growth of Peach Palm Seedlings
摘要 以桃棕哥斯达黎加San Carlos种源及14152号家系幼苗为宿主,开展接种丛枝菌根真菌(地表球囊霉、苏格兰球囊霉和木薯球囊霉)的试验研究。结果表明:参试的3个丛枝菌根真菌均可在桃棕San Carlos种源和14152号家系上形成感染,感染率26.7%~50.0%,感染指数13.3~37.5。尽管形成了菌根感染,但接种后7个月时,对桃棕San Carlos种源和14152号家系的地上部分的生长均未产生显著的影响;菌根接种对14152号家系根系的生长产生显著的促进作用(P〈0.05)。木薯球囊霉C3008菌株接种处理下,14152号家系幼苗根系生物量和主根长分别比不接种(对照)提高了80.0%和51.4%。3个丛枝菌根菌中,木薯球囊霉G3008菌株对桃棕家系苗期根系发育有较好的效果。 Peach palm seedlings coming from seeds of San Carlos provenance and family 14152 of Costa Rica were cultivated at a nursery in South China. A experiment by employing randomized block design with the two progenies was undertaken to test the infection rate and inoculation efficacy by artificially inoculated with three arbuscular mychorrhizal fungus (AFM) ; Glomus versiforme, G. caledonium and G. manihotis. Results indicated that the three AMF treatments were capable of colonizing root system of the two progenies' seedlings to form ectomycorrhizal association after inoculation. The infection rate was 26.7% ~ 50.0%, infection index 13.3 ~ 37.5. There was no evident effect on the above growth of the two progenies 7 months after inoculation even though infected. However, a positive response of the growth in root system of family 14152 of San Carlos provenance was identified after inoculation (P 〈 0. 05 ). Compared with un-inoculated treatment (the control), the below-ground biomass and the length of main root of 14152 inoculated with isolate of G. manihotis, G3008, was enhanced by 80.0% and 51.4% respectively. G3008 isolate was the most efficient colonizer among the tested three isolates for root growth of seedlings of 14152 of San Carlos provenance.  
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期756-760,共5页 Forest Research
基金 国家林业局‘948’项目(2002-28)
关键词 桃棕 幼苗 丛枝菌根真菌 接种效应 Bactris gasipae peach palm seedling arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation efficacy
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