据初步统计,浙江省仙居县约有种子植物有142科,616属,1 347种(含种以下分类单位)。其中裸子植物约5科,10属,14种;被子植物约有137科,606属,1 333种。该区系中优势科明显,20种以上的科有18个,虽只占科总数12.68%,但占总属数的56.01%和总种数的59.76%。本区系植物成分较为复杂,5种以下的少型属和单型属有562个,占属总数的91.23%。仙居种子植物区系属的成分中,温带分布型占比例较高,占53.08%;热带分布类型也有相当的比重,占44.57%;中国特有属有13个,占2.36%。国家首批保护的植物14种。
According to preliminary statistics, there are 1 347 species (including subspecies) of wild seed plants in Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, belonging to 142 families and 616 genera, among which gymnosperms have 5 families, 10 genera and 14 species, and angiosperms have 137 families, 606 genera and 1 333 species. The domi- nant families are distinct and there are 18 families with more than 20 species. They account for 56.01% in total genera and 59, 76% in total species, respectively although only 12.68% in total families. The floristic composition is complex. There are 562 genera accounting for 91,23% in total genera, which are the oligotypic and monotypic ones with less than 5 species. At the family level, the temperate type are dominant and account for 53.08%, while a considerable proportion of tropic type account for 44.57%. 13 genera are Chinese endemic ones, accounting for 2.36%, among which 14 species belong to the first national protection categories.
Journal of Northwest Forestry University