
19世纪末爪哇鸦片税收专卖承包制研究 被引量:3

abolition of the Opium Farm in Java at the end Of the nineteenth cen tury
摘要 鸦片税收专卖承包制一度被认为是华侨剥削印尼人民的罪证,19世纪末爪哇社会出现反鸦片风潮,殖民政府借机以鸦片公营专卖局取代了鸦片税收专卖承包制。本文作者指出,以公营代替私营,殖民者的最终目的在于从华侨手中夺过经济大权以获取更高的利润,华侨始终不过是荷兰殖民统治的工具。 The Opium Farm has long been seen as an evidence of exploitation suffered by the Chinese in Java. At the end of the nineteenth century, there appeared an anti-opium unrest in Java, and the colonial government took the chance to substitute Opium Farm with Opium Regie. The author points out that the essence of this substitution was that the colonial government wanted to recapture the economic power from the Chinese and gain a higher profit, so the overseas Chinese were only the tool of Holland colonial rule after all.
作者 沈燕清
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2006年第4期71-76,87,共7页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 鸦片 税收承包 华侨 荷兰殖民者 Opium Farm Overseas Chinese the Dutch.
  • 相关文献


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