嵌入式开发越来越流行,而基于嵌入式L inux和Qt/Embedded的开发也正在起步。本文主要介绍作者在使用嵌入式L inux和QT/Embedded-2.3.7在arm9处理器的开发板上进行工业控制软件———硫化机控制程序开发时处理中文字体显示的实际经验及一些理论心得。
The inlaid development becomes more and more popular, and the development of inlaid linuxand QT/Embedded also mehes a start. This paper mainly introduces some practices and theories of doing industrial controlling software in the developing board of arm handling instrument by means of inlaid linux and QT/Embedded - 2.3.7 the display of handling characters with the controlling process development of Vuleanizatiow machine.
Jingdezhen Comprehensive College Journal