
关于建立高校体育信息化指标体系的研究 被引量:3

Discussion on Establishment Index System of Informazition of Physical Education in Colleges
摘要 依照指标体系建立的原则,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等,在参照国家信息化指标体系、教育信息化指标体系相关研究的基础上,建立了一套高校体育信息化指标体系,并分析了该指标体系的特点,为进一步设计高校体育信息化调查表及实施调查奠定了基础。 Conformed to reasonable principle ,referred to the index system of national informazition and educational informazition , An index system of informazition of colleges physical education had been established by methods of documentation, experts talk and logic analysis, to prepare for further questionnaire designs or investigation on the informazition of high school physical education. After analyzed, the index system is considered reliable and available.
作者 庞俊华 南开
出处 《山西师大体育学院学报》 2006年第4期68-70,共3页 Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University
基金 河南省科技厅软科学项目子课题(0424490022)
关键词 高校体育信息化 指标体系 建立 informazition of physical education in colleges index system establishment
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