
Performance of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in lateral flow biological aerated filter 被引量:1

Performance of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in lateral flow biological aerated filter
摘要 A new wastewater treatment facility—lateral flow biological aerated filter (LBAF) was developed aiming at solving energy consumption and operational problems in wastewater treatment facilities in small towns. It has the function of nitrification and removing organic substrate. In this study, we focused on the denitrification performance of LBAF and its possible mechanism under thorough aeration. We identified the existence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) by analyzing nitrogenous compounds along the flow path of LBAF and supportive microbial microscopy, and studied the effects of air/water ratio and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrogen removal and on SND in LBAF to find out the optimal operation condition. It is found that for saving operation cost, aeration can be reduced to some degree that allows desirable removal efficiency of pollutants, and the optimal air/water ratio is 10:1. Hydraulic loading less than 0.43 m h?1 hardly affects the nitrification and denitrification performance; whereas higher hydraulic loading is unfavorable to both nitrification and denitrification, far more unfavorable to denitrification than to nitrification. A new wastewater treatment facility-lateral flow biological aerated filter (LBAF) was developed aiming at solving energy consumption and operational problems in wastewater treatment facilities in small towns. It has the function of nitrification and removing organic substrate. In this study, we focused on the denitrification performance of LBAF and its possible mechanism under thorough aeration. We identified the existence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) by analyzing nitrogenous compounds along the flow path of LBAF and supportive microbial microscopy, and studied the effects of air/water ratio and hydraulic loading on the performance of nitrogen removal and on SND in LBAF to find out the optimal operation condition. It is found that for saving operation cost, aeration can be reduced to some degree that allows desirable removal efficiency of pollutants, and the optimal air/water ratio is 10:1. Hydraulic loading less than 0.43 m h^-1 hardly affects the nitrification and denitrification performance; whereas higher hydraulic loading is unfavorable to both nitrification and denitrification, far more unfavorable to denitrification than to nitrification.
作者 龙腾锐
出处 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2006年第4期223-228,共6页 重庆大学学报(英文版)
基金 Funded by the National Key Technologies R & D Program of China During the 10th Five-Year Plan Periods of China (No.2001BA604A01-03).
关键词 lateral flow biological aerated filter simultaneous nitrification and denitrification air/water ratio hydraulic loading 侧流曝气生物滤池 硝化作用 反硝化作用 水力负荷
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