
出生缺陷调查资料的分析与思考 被引量:2

Data analysis and thinking of congenital anomalies survey
摘要 目的了解重庆市三峡库区某县出生缺陷的现况、分布特点及影响因素。方法选择三峡库区一个中等经济县作为项目县,用随机整群抽样方法,根据该县的地城分布、经济、社会、人口分布等确定4个镇乡为调查点,由接受了培训的技术人员对调查点3287名0~3岁儿童采用回归询问填表法初筛可疑阳性患儿,再按全国统一诊断标准逐个体检,明确诊断,填写统一的调查表。结果(1)发现出生缺陷42例(排除后天外伤和疾病造成的缺陷6例),出生缺陷现患率为12.78‰;(2)不同地区即城镇和农村,特别是偏远农村发病率有差异;(3)排在前5位的疾病分别为,唇(腭)裂(n=7),腹股沟疝(n=7),耳聋(n=4),耳畸形(n= 3),智力低下、脑瘫、隐睾、指(趾)畸形(n=2);(4)患儿母亲产前检查比例为52.38%。结论重庆市三峡库区某县出生缺陷现患率处于较高水平,城镇和偏远农村有较明显的差异。患儿母亲产前检查率不高,重点在农村开展出生缺陷干预尤为重要。 Objective To know congenital anomalies' present situation, distribution feature and affecting factors in a certain county of Chongqing Three Gorges reservoir region, Methods To select a medium economical county in Three Gorges reservoir re gion as item county using random samplmgs of whole groups. Four villages and towns were ascertained for survey point according to this county's region distribution, economy, society, popular on distribution,ere Technical personnel accepted training checked 3 287 children aged 0--3 years and screened initially the suspicious patients with regress enquiring questionnaire. To examine the childrenfor ascertaining diagnosis and fill in the unified qucstiommire according to the national unified diagnostic standard. Results (1) There were 42 cases of congenital anomalies(obviating 6 patients with postnatal trauma and anomalies led by diseases). The congenital anomalies' incidence was 12.78%. (2)The incidence of a disease had difference in different areas,namely towns and country,es pecially in remote country. (3)The anomalies for the tormer five positions were in turn cleft lip(palate)(7 cases), inguinal hernia(7 cases), deaf (4 cases), ear malformation( 3 cases), weak inlleigence, cerebral palsy, cryptorchidism and finger (toe) malformation ( 2 cases). (4)The proportion of patients mother prenatal cxamination was 52 38% ;hospital labor rate was 54 76 %. Conclusion The incidence of congenital anomalies in a certain county of Chongqing Three Gorges reservoir region is in higher level. There is more obvious difference between towns and remote country. Male patients are more than female obviously. Patients mother pregnancy health care, prenatal examination and rate of hospital labor are not high. The focal point is to develop congenital anomalies interfere in the country.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 2006年第24期2233-2235,2236,共4页 Chongqing medicine
基金 重庆市2004年重点项目的研究内容(9288-CSTS 2005AC5104)
关键词 出生缺陷 分布 影响因素 congenital anomalies distribution affecting factor
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