以在W indows 2000环境中编制PMC-Sirra 7364卡驱动程序为例,介绍了在W in-dows 2000系统下开发PCI接口设备驱动程序的基本步骤、程序构架和常用函数,以及实现七号信令网链路接口到PC主机之间的PCI接口连接。该技术也可推广用于开发CompactPCI接口设备的驱动程序,从而为开发PC机在工业控制中的应用提供了一种便捷方法。
Based on the programming of PMC - Sirra 7364 card device, this paper presents the development technology of PCI device driver in Windows 2000 system, including the basic design steps, program structural framework and some useful functions. The PCI interface of SS7 net link to PC host is implemented. This approach can also be used in development of Compact PCI interface device driver and provide us a convenient and fast way to program for PC in industrial control applications.
Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition