
儿童原发性遗尿症临床特征分析 被引量:4

Clinical characteristics of primary enuresis in children
摘要 目的对儿童原发性遗尿症的临床表现及其相关因素进行调查分析,以求对国内儿童原发性遗尿症的临床特征有一比较全面的认识。方法对183例确诊为原发性单一症状性夜间遗尿症的患儿临床表现进行问卷调查,并进行描述性统计分析。结果男92例,女91例;年龄5~16岁,平均(8.26±2.84)岁;患儿遗尿发生次数1~21次/周,其中≤3次/周占24.6%,4~7次/周占33.9%,8~14次/周占28.4%,>14次/周占13.1%。平均遗尿次数为(6.58±1.67)次/周。夜间首次遗尿发生时间在凌晨2~3时的人数最多(占总人数的24.6%),其次为凌晨3~4时穴占20.2%雪。其中夜间经常自行起床排尿者占4.9%;夜间偶尔自行起床排尿者占23.5%;夜间从不自行起床排尿者占71.6%。家族中有遗尿史者占总数的39.3%。结论原发性遗尿症患儿多数缺乏夜间排尿控制技能,首次遗尿在凌晨2~3时发生最多,高达39.3%的患儿有家族史。 Objectives To study clinical characteristics and its related factors of the primary nocturnal enuresis in children, thus to understand the clinical presentations. Methods One hundred and eighty-three children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis followed up in our department were investigated by means of clinical observations and questionnaires. All data was collected and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Results There were 92 boys and 91 girls among 183 children, aged from 5 years to 16 years (8.26 ± 2.84 years). The average enuretic events were 6.58 ± 1.67 times a week, ranged from once a week to the maximum of 21 times a week. Of them,24.6 % (45/183) of these children wet their beds at 2:00 - 3:00 AM followed by at 3 - 4 AM (20.2 %, 37/183). Only 9 children were able to get up to micturate themselves,the other 131 children were never able to get up for self-micturation. Family histories with primary nocturnal enuresis were found in 39.3 % (72/183) in these children. Conclusions Most of the children with primary nocturnal enuresis were lack of micturition controlling ability at night. The most frequent bed-wetting time is 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM. Positive family history accounted for 39.3 % of them.
作者 马骏 金星明
出处 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期909-911,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
基金 上海市重点学科建设项目资助(No:T0204)
关键词 儿童 原发性遗尿症 临床特征 children primary enuresis clinical presentation
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