Decision feedback equalizer based on non-singleton fuzzy regular neural networks
Decision feedback equalizer based on non-singleton fuzzy regular neural networks
A new equalization method is proposed in this paper for severely nonlinear distorted channels. The structure of decision feedback is adopted for the non-singleton fuzzy regular neural network that is trained by gradient-descent algorithm. The model shows a much better performance on anti-jamming and nonlinear classification, and simulation is carried out to compare this method with other nonlinear channel equalization methods. The results show the method has the least bit error rate (BER).
A new equalization method is proposed in this paper for severely nonlinear distorted channels. The structure of decision feedback is adopted for the non-singleton fuzzy regular neural network that is trained by gradient-descent algorithm. The model shows a much better performance on anti-jamming and nonlinear classification, and simulation is carried out to compare this method with other nonlinear channel equalization methods. The results show the method has the least bit error rate (BER).
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