针对中国煤矿企业职业安全管理中存在的问题,按照OHSAS18000标准及煤矿企业职业安全健康管理体系标准,以协同工作的数字化工作平台及Internet Web软件技术平台为核心搭建大型煤矿职业安全健康管理系统(简称CSMS),通过在煤矿企业实施职业安全健康管理,提高了政府安全监察部门和企业管理者的职业安全健康管理绩效,推进了安全管理的规范化和标准化管理进程,有利于煤矿安全生产,减少煤矿伤亡、提高企业的管理效率。
According to the standard requirements of OHSAS18000 and management system of occupational safety and health of coal mining enterprise,occupational safety and health management system of large- scale colliery was put up with digital workplace of cooperative work and Interact web software engineering workplace as its core. It extensively fits for CSMS of colliery,metal and nonmetal mines,building and chemical industry and redound to improve performances of enterprise employment security and health continuously for government' s security supervisory departments and enterprise administrators. Also it advances managment standardization and standard managment course which benefits safety in production, decreases casulty and improves management efficiency of enterprises.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)