
资本逻辑与当代中国社会结构趋向——从阶级阶层结构到和谐社会建构 被引量:40

The Capital Logic and the Social Structure in China Today—— From Class-rank Structure to the Construction of Harmonious Society
摘要 The capital logic discovered by Marx is the root of the structures of conflictions in modern society, and it continuously acquires its new performance in the historical development of the capital formation The simple capital formation produces the clear-cut social structures of class struggle, and the new complicated capital formations, such as mass capital, human capital, etc. bring the new “complex network structures of social confliction” come into being. The “class-rank structure” under the socialist system of China results from the capital logic partly out of control, and the socialist government should make full use of the various new capital formation, put them into the orbits to increase the public welfare, melt the “class-rank structure”, produce the “complex network structures of social confliction”, and build the socialist harmnious society. The capital logic discovered by Marx is the root of the structures of conflictions in modern society, and it continuously acquires its new performance in the historical development of the capital formation The simple capital formation produces the clear-cut social structures of class struggle, and the new complicated capital formations, such as mass capital, human capital, etc. bring the new “complex network structures of social confliction” come into being. The “class-rank structure” under the socialist system of China results from the capital logic partly out of control, and the socialist government should make full use of the various new capital formation, put them into the orbits to increase the public welfare, melt the “class-rank structure”, produce the “complex network structures of social confliction”, and build the socialist harmnious society.
作者 鲁品越
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第12期24-30,共7页 Philosophical Research
基金 上海市哲学社会科学课题"现代性悖论与和谐社会建构"部分成果。
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