

Study on concomitant NH_4^+ secretion during astaxanthin synthesis inHaematococcus pluvialis
摘要 雨生红球藻在在缺氮(NF)的条件下,随着虾青素的合成,肽链内切酶(EP)的活性上升而蛋白质含量下降,天冬酰氨酸含量在前4天增加然后又减少,铵离子浓度则持续上升。相比之下,在氮充足(NR)的培养液中,藻细胞不合成虾青素,蛋白质和天冬酰氨酸的含量以及EP的活性基本稳定,培养液中也没有检测到铵离子。上述结果表明:①降解的蛋白质为虾青素的合成提供了碳源,②EP参与了蛋白质的降解反应,③为避免铵离子的毒害作用,蛋白质降解所产生的部分氨临时贮存在天冬酰氨酸中,而其余的则分泌到细胞外。 With the onset of astaxanthin synthesis in Haematococcus plwialis under the nitrogen-free condition (NF), Endopeptidase (EP) activities increased along with the decreasing of protein. Asparagine rose significantly during the first 4 days, but decreased after that time. While, ammonium concentration in the broth increased continuously through out the cultivation period. By contrast, in nitrogen-repletion culture (NR),the contents of protein and asparagine as well as EP activity maintained relatively constant, no astaxanthin and extracellular ammonium were detected. These results strongly suggest that: ①the degraded protein served as carbon source, to some extent, for the biosynthesis of astaxanthin; ② endopeptidase was involved in the degradative process; ③for detoxification, part of the ammonium generated by the protein degradation was transiently stored in asparagine, while the rest of which was expelled into the culture broth.
出处 《现代化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期41-43,45,共4页 Modern Chemical Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金(20536040) 国家基础研究重点基金(2003CB716003)
关键词 铵离子 虾青素 肽链内切酶 雨生红球藻 ammoniumion astaxanthin endopeptidase Haematococcus plwialis
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