
哈茨木霉菌T21转化体生物学特性研究 被引量:2

Biological characteristics of the transformants of Trichoderma harzianum T21 REMI
摘要 本研究表明,木霉菌转化体孢子萌发率有的高于野生菌株,如菌株Tmn3,有的低于野生菌株,如菌株Ttrm47和Ttrm94;菌株Ttnn34产孢能力极显著高于野生菌株T21,而菌株Ttrm94和Ttrm111极显著低于野生菌株T21,菌株Ttmflll根本不产孢;对高温的适应能力也存在差异,其中菌株Ttnn31、Ttrm34、Ttrm47和Ttrm76比较耐高温,而菌株Ttm155、Ttrm94和Ttrm111较差,短时间高温处理能够促进木霉菌转化体生长。不同木霉菌对低温(15℃)的适应也不同,菌株Ttrm76、Tmn31和Ttrm55生长速度快于野生菌株T21,而菌株Ttrm94和Ttrm111生长明显慢于R1;在20-30℃范围内,菌株Ttrm31、T21、Ttrm34和Ttrm55生长速度基本一致,生长较快,菌株Ttrm94生长却很慢;超过30℃,菌株Ttrm76、Ttrm111和Ttrm47生长比较快,生长速度大于T21。不同pH条件下,木霉菌转化体培养形态和产孢方式均有变化。木霉菌转化体利用氮源较好的是蛋白质和天冬氨酸,碳源较好的是麦芽糖和葡萄糖。不同木霉菌转化体培养性状也不同,如菌株Ttrm111不产孢;菌株Ttrm94产孢少,两者培养颜色为黄色,而其他菌株为绿色。 Some transforrmnts perfomed better in most of the mentioned characteristics compared with wild ones, but others not. For example, conidiurn germination of strain Ttrm31 was higher than that of wild strain T21, while Ttrm47 and Ttrm94 were negative performance The conidium productivity of Ttrm34 was higher than that of wild strain T21. However, Ttrm94 and Ttrm111 did not produce conidia at all.As for the tolerance to high-temperature, Ttrm31, Ttrm34, Ttrm47 and Ttrm76 were enhanced remarkably relative to wild strains, but Ttrm55, Ttrm94 and Ttrm111 not. Meanwhile, it was interesting that the growth of transformed Trichoderma strains was improved much once treated under high temperature (50℃) for 1 hour. Ttrm55 and Ttrm76 grew faster under low temperature (15℃), but Ttrrn47, Ttrm76 and Ttrm111 grew faster under high temperature (30℃). The transformed Trichoderma strains differed in cultural morphology, including color and spomlation, at different pHs and even on different PDAs. Their utilization of earbon and nitrogen nutrition was also different. Protein and asparagines were screened as better nitrogen sources, ,while glucose and maltose as better carbon sources. Thecolor of colony was also different. For example, Ttrm94 and Ttrm111 were yellow, but the others were green.
出处 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期71-75,共5页 Plant Protection
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关项目(2001BA509B05) 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(2001101041) 校青年基金项目
关键词 木霉菌转化体 孢子萌发 生物学特性 Trichoderma transformants germination biological characteristics
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