How to control the amount and intensity of exercise,when performing 24 form Taijiquan exercises as the means of promoting physique is a question,put forward to healthy middle-aged people,old people and persons who suffered from various chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and havenow recovered. For this purpose a test was taken to 12 cadres of BUPE who had retired or retired on fullpay. Blood pressure,heart rate and echocardiogram were taken at rest before doing different times of 24form Taijiquan exercises,during exercise and in the recovery period. The resu1ts indicate: 1 )24 form Taijiquan belongs to aerobic exercise of middle or small intensity. 2)After doing Taijiquan exercises two orthree times the systolic and diastolic pressures of the subjects decreased significantly,compared with thosebefore exercise. 3)Effects of cardiac pumping function,shown by their echocardiograms,immediately aftercontinuously doing Taijiquan exercises two or three times were better than those after doing them onlyonce.
Journal of Beijing Sport University