Excellent examples show that climatic perturbations are associated with societal evolution, such as its temporal and spatial distribution. Gansu-Qinghai region is one of the origin areas of Chinese civilization. The earliest known Neolithic Culture in this region is the Dadiwan Culture (7800 -7350aB. P. ) , followed by the Yangshao Culture (6800 -4900aB. P. ) , Majiayao Culture (5300 -4200aB. P. ) , and the Qijia Culture (4300 -3900aB. P. ). The temporal and spatial analyses based on GIS show the distribution of Neolithic Cultures in this region. Only two sites belonging to the Dadiwan Culture have by far been known, indicating that the region was sparsely populated at that villages and round or rectangular architectures. The houses are vaulted for storing property, and the pottery kilns are located near the village. In Majiayao tombs, massive funerary objects were found along with abundant millet grains. Another signature of prosperity is demographic expansion which is indicated by the dramatic expansion of archaeological sites of this period. The Qijia Culture (4300 - 3900aB. P. ) superseded the Majiayao Culture. During the Qijia Culture period, the spatial distribution of archaeological sites west to 105°E shrinked to southern part while spatial distribution of sites east to 105°E almost has no changes comparing with the earlier cultural sites.
The climatic and environmental contexts make perfect sense to the temporal and spatial changes of those cultures. Pollen record from the Qinghai Lake shows that a warm and humid climate began at the Early Holocene, and reached its maximum at 6.5kaB. P. After 4.5kaB. P., the climate changed to dry. Pollen record from Dadiwan shows that the climate was humid during 7.4 - 6.7kaB. P. , then changed to semi-arid, and further changed to dry after 4kaB. P. Pollen record of Hongshuihe also shows that it was warm and wet during 7290 -6380aB. P. ,followed by frequently fluctuations. During 5720 - 5070aB. P., it was still humid, but later changed to dry. This climatic trend is consistent with the temporal and spatial change of Neolithic Cultures in Gansu-Qinghai region. It is clear that cultural evolution is not only forced by regional scale environmental change but also by the long time scale climate change.
Quaternary Sciences
Gansu-Qinghai region, environmental change, Neolithic Cultures