The objective of this study was to determine the differentiation and biological characteri-zation of cytotrophoblastic celis and syncytiotrophoblastic celis in vitro. Methods: We purified cytotrophoblastic cells isolated from human term placentae by enzymic digestion and percoll gra-dient centrifugation, hCG from culture media has been detected by RIA. ResultS: Cytotrophob-lastic celis isolated and purified from human placentae growth in vitro and transformated into the functional syncytiotrophoblastic celis through a process of differentiation and cell fasion. hCG RIA of the culture media revealed asignificant increase in secretion. paralleling the gro-wth of syncytial cytotrophoblasts. We conclude that cytotrophoblastic celis isolated from human term placentae may differentiate and fuse to form functional syncytiotrophoblastic cells in vitro. The increase of hCG secretion is related to the growth of syncytiotrophoblastic cells.
Chinese Journal of Cell Biology