
中国环角圆虫兆属Papirioides亚属一新种(弹尾目:齿虫兆科) 被引量:1

摘要 本文描述了采自中国江苏的环角圆虫兆属Papirioides亚属一新种:苏州环角圆虫兆Ptenothrix(Papirioides)suzhouensis,sp.nov.。 tenothrix (Papirioides) suzhouensis, sp. nov.(Figs.1 ̄25) Body length 1.30 ̄1.84mm. Ground color dark violet with white and pale violet stripes and spots. Eyes 8+8. Ant./head 1.7 2.2∶1. Antennal ratio 1∶4 4.6∶4.3 4.6∶1 1.2 . Ant. Ⅲ and Ⅳ respectively 7 and 4 subsegmented. Front face with 1 ̄2 pairs of paired setae and 5 ̄8 unpaired setae. Labral setal pattern 6/5, 5,4. Foreleg. Coxa with 1 seta; trochanter with 2 anterior and 2 posterior setae; femur with 1 cup sensilla, 1 oval organ and 1 courte épine; tibiotarsus with 4 cup sensillae and 3 courtes épines; pretarsus with 1 anterior and 1 posterior setulae; unguis with 2 inner, 2 outer and several indistinct lateral teeth; unguiculus narrow, with 1 developed corner tooth, subapical filament acuminate and surpassing unguis. Mesoleg. Caxa with 3 setae and 1 courte épine; trochanter with 4 anterior and 1 posterior setae; femur with 1 oval organ, 1 courte épine and 1 cup sensilla; tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensillae and 3 courtes épines; pretarsus similar to that of foreleg. Metaleg. Coxa with 4 setae and 1 courte épine; trochanter with 3 anterior and 2 posterior setae; femur with 1 oval organ, 1 cup sensilla and 1 courte epine; tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensillae and 3 courtes épines; each tibiotarsal differentiated seta with 6 ̄10 rounded lateral teeth on each side, apex slightly knobbed; pretarsus resembling that of foreleg but slightly stronger. Great Abdomen. Collophore with 1+1 lateral and 1+1 subapical setulae, sacs warty. Ramus of tenaculum with 3 teeth and 1 basal horn, corpus with 4 ̄7 (usually 6) setulae. Frucular ratio as 1∶2.2 2.5∶0.67 0.88.Dens dorsal setae d 1-4 , L 1,9,10 ,E 9,10 smooth, E 1,7,8 ,L 7,8 rugose, E 2-6 , L 2-6 strong and basally serrated; dens ventral Ve setae 3,2,1,1…… 1. Mucro with 30 ̄40 outer teeth and 32 ̄45 inner teeth; “W” setae on anterior trunk with AA DD setaceous, EE spiny. Dorsal hump distinct, with numerous dagger like setae. Anogenital Segment. Circumanal setae M, N, A 0, H & L strong and spiny; G absent; A 1-3 & T ciliate and setaceous; sa′ & sa 1,3 finely serrated. Female subanal appendage straight, short and thick with tip somewhat blunt. Remarks. This new species is distinctly different from all known species of the subgenus in its variable facial setal pattern, subsegmentation of Ant. Ⅲ & Ⅳ and the presence of more setae on the corpus of tenaculum. The circumanal setae are closely similar to those of the P.(s.s) vittata ; however, other characters are quite different from those of the latter. Holotype ♀, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 1995-Ⅺ-2, 8503; paratypes 5♀♀ on slides and 12 in alcohol, from the same locality as holotype. Deposited in Department of Biology, Nanjing University. Hab. In pile of moisture bricks and stones.
机构地区 南京大学生物系
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1996年第4期235-238,共4页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 弹尾目 齿Yao科 环角圆Yao属 新种 中国 Collembola, Dicyrtomidae, Ptenothrix, new species, China
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  • 1尹文英,中国亚热带土壤动物,1992年
  • 2林善祥,昆虫分类学报,1985年,7卷,1期,61页
  • 3Wu Ming,Entomol Sin,1996年,3卷,2期,138页











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