
我国水产养殖事业的发展及今后的努力方向 被引量:1

Development of China's Aquaculture and our struggle in the Future
摘要 我国水产养殖事业的发展及今后的努力方向曾呈奎(中国科学院海洋研究所青岛266071)我国水产养殖事业在新中国成立以前,只有个别零星古老的,传统的事业。在养殖海产鱼虾方面北方有几百年来的"港养对虾和鱼",而在南方也有类似的鱼塘。在海藻栽培方面,则有几百... Aquaculture in China has developed from merely ten thousand tons in 1950 to more than 12 million tons in 1995 in which about 8 million tons are freshwater fish and 4 million tons marine products.Our progress is quite surprising. We have already passed through three developmental stages, the seaweed stage of the fifties, the mollusk stage of the seventies and the shrimp stage of the eighties. We believe we shall soon enter the fourth stage, the fish stage of development.In 1995, Dr. Brown of the United Nations published a book, 'Who will feed China?' Dr. Brown has neglected aquaculture and has taken it for granted that there will be no future development of fisheries in the first 35 years of the next century. We believe that aquaculture, especially mariculture, or marine aquaculture will ultimately lead the progress of fisheries. Our agriculturists and fishery expert will try our best effort. We believe that we Chinese can feed ourselves and we thank Dr. Brown sincerely for his encouragement.Our agriculturists have strtiggled for thousands of years and consequently, the Chinese people, one fifth of the earth's human POpulation, are successfully fed with products from cultivating one seventh of the land available to makind. Our fishery experts will help our agriculturists to feed our people with better food, but the time available to us is rather limited. The experts of our current methods need the help of biotechnologists.First, the field of employment of our current methods is still very broad. More than 10 species of marine fish are under cultivation and their total production is merely abour a hundred thousand tons.The development of aquaculture of marine fish as well as other animals and plants by our current methods still has very good future. Second, the 'seed 'problem should be emphasized as the center of interest in the next stage of development and biotechnology should be employed. Third, our current methods of production should be improved by biotechnology. Fourth, production of feeds is crucial to the development of animal aquaculture and more research should be effected. Fifth, development of medicinal and health food from aquaculture sources should be encouraged especially by biotechnology. Sixth, the prevention and cure of diseases are very important and special attention should be paid to them by biotechnologists. The last but not the least is the protection and improvement of environment; it .is absolutelyimportant that in every step and stage of aquaculture people should be environmently conscious and biotechnology employed. We cannot afford to damage the environment that we live in. The above mentioned points should be taken good care of by our current experts and biotechnologists. We hope that ina few tens of years, we can run over the entire way that our forefathers have travelled for the last thousands of years with the help of biotechnology.
作者 曾呈奎
出处 《生物工程进展》 CSCD 1996年第6期5-8,共4页 Progress in Biotechnology
关键词 水产养殖业 发展趋势 中国 Aquaculture, Biotechnology, Transgenic organisms.
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