
极化有源编码定标技术 被引量:1

Encoding polarimetric active radar calibration technique
摘要 有源编码定标技术可以在较低信杂比情况下获得较高的定标精度,然而以前的研究主要针对单通道SAR。为此,本文提出了适合极化有源定标器的编码技术,介绍了编解码原理,推导了信号处理方法,给出了码字生成。计算机仿真实验结果表明,极化有源编码定标技术可以很好抑制背景杂波对定标测量精度的影响,降低定标场选择难度,同时可以在不提高天线极化隔离度情况下抑制极化通道之间信号的相互干扰。 The calibration precision of polarimetric SAR is affected by the background and interference of different channels. To solve this problem, the paper prescribes the encoding polarimetric active radar calibration technique for SAR. The principle is described and the arithmetic of signal processing is derived and generation of code is given. The computer simulation result shows that the CPARC can effectively restrain the influence of the background clutter signal and improve the precision of radiometric calibration, which can bring much less difficulties in selection of calibration filed. The CPARC can also restrain the interference of different polarimetric channels with no improvement of polarimetric isolation of antenna.
作者 雷声 洪峻
出处 《电子测量技术》 2006年第6期40-41,56,共3页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 极化SAR 编码 辐射定标 GOLD码 polarimetric SAR encoding radiometric calibration gold code
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