
房干村不同植被下可培养细菌多样性研究 被引量:1

Analysis of the soil cultivable bacterial diversities under different vegetations of Fanggan village
摘要 利用传统的稀释平板法对房干村不同植被下可培养的异养型好氧性细菌多样性从数量、种类、形态三方面进行动态研究,并利用BIOLOG鉴定系统结合显微观察对部分优势菌株进行了鉴定.结果显示不同植被下可培养好氧性异养型细菌多样性不同,且相同植被下的细菌多样性随时间呈动态变化;可培养的菌落数和土壤微生物生物量之间并不存在显著的线性相关性;不同植被下菌落数与优势菌种类在95%的可信区间(P<0.05)相关性很好;不同植被下及同一植被下不同时间内优势菌形态、群落结构不同,所占百分比亦不同;对于部分优势菌的鉴定,农田和刺槐样地中可确定为粪产碱菌Alcaligenes faecalis和放射状根瘤菌Rhizobium radiobacter,其余植被下的鉴定到属. The cultivable heterotrophie bacterial diversities under different vegetations were characterized by the traditional method from number, category and configuration aspects. Plate counts and some dominant bacterials were identified by BIOLOG microplate. The results show that the microbes under different vegetations have dissimilar diversities. The amounts and species of microbes ehangein different vegetation soil. In early spring, the variety of quantities and species of cultivable heterotrophie bacterial communities under different vegetation soil are not of prominent linear correlation, while becoming more and more prominent, with the climate changing. Between the cultivable microorganism and the soil microbial biomass significant linear correlation does not exist, while the CFU and species of preponderant microbes under different vegetations are of good relevance in the category of 95% credible interval ( P 〈 0.05). The percentages under different vegetations are different with different shapes and commanities structures of the preponderant bacterias, even if in different time under the same vegetation. For some preponderant bacteria identification, Alcaligenes faecalis is found in farmland, Rhlizobium radiobacter is found under Robinia pseudoacacia forest, and the remaining ones are identified to genus.
出处 《山东大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期161-167,共7页 Journal of Shandong University(Natural Science)
基金 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金资助项目(2005BS08010) 国土资源部国家重大地质调查资助项目(1212010310306)
关键词 生态恢复 土壤微生物多样性 细菌 BIOIJ3G鉴定系统 ecorestoration soil microbial diversity bacteria BIOLOG
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